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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shangri-la exhibition @ Olympia, Brno

Entrance fee : 200 crowns, on weekends 230 crowns

In the description of the exhibition you see the following
'Vedle vycpaných zvířat uvidíte živé krokodýly, hady, želvy, ryby, líheň tropických motýlů v expozici horského pralesa a také živou džungli s orchidejemi, lotosovými květy, banánovníky či kávovníky'

I read the description above and decided that even though the entrance on weekend is higher price it's worth seeing...sounded so interesting - snakes, crocodiles, etc... Once we get there we saw..half stuffed tiger, 1 snake as small as worm and 2 mini crocodiles, smaller than our pintcher...there were no butterflies, no lotus flowers, no turtles and no orchidea

I am a bit disappointed and I wish people would be a bit more honest.
Not recommending to go there unless u r really bored and have got nothing else to do.

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