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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coconut oil, oil pulling etc

Apparently coconut oil has a lot of advantages and I found out only days ago. It can be used for hair mask as well as body lotion. You can also cook with it.Actually I plan to test it tonight and make my omelette with it. We have to be careful when using oils to cook with because for example they olive oil is not so resistant to heat and once you heat it its structure changes and it becomes dangerous. Coconut oil on the other hand is very resistant to heat and can be used when cooking with high temperatures. I got mine and DM. It is bio. If I have managed to awaken your interest I suggest you give it a try. Just the other day as well I found out about oil pulling, which actually means to swish a bit of oil in your mouth. It supposedly takes how out all toxins from your body and is also whitening your teeth. I gave it once a try and I plan to stick to it for a while. I am also looking forward to replace my body lotion with coconut oil in the future. Here is the jar that I got

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