This end of the year is and will be sooooo busy for me, work related,study related.
Now I am home combining home office and exams (home office is the perfect way how to stay longer home and not waste your vacation if your case is the same as mine) By this I mean that my exams are each thursday or friday and flying ah, wait , now that there is no skyeurope..., so coming by bus each time for the weekend would kill me financially as well as physically coz traveling by bus is indeed a challenge more over our country, so as Serbia are not in Schengen which involves waiting at the borders and as it turns out due to various reasons, may it be that the drivers carry luggage with invoice but without any taxes on it or something else, it can be veeery time consuming.
Anyhow I just felt stressed by the thought of all upcoming things...currently fighting with UNSS,than preparing for ITIL as I have the exam at the end of September.
At the end of September also an education starts in which I will participate and last but not least I am in the team preparing some internal education. Ah and not to forget that if I would manage my last two exams I can enroll for diploma work, hoping I can defend in the beginning of next year not now coz seems impossible...