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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Longboarding, hell yea!

So on Monday I finally got my longboard. I bought an old one since I didn't want to invest a lot of money not being sure if I will like it or not. Yesterday I tried it out and it is awesome! I think snowboarding helps. I wasn't able to do god knows what. I was mostly pushing myself around. But I enjoyed it. And seems like a great work out too. Was all sweaty by the end of the riding. Here some pics...on the first ones I am just posing with the board the day I got it but I am posting them since I think I look cute on them :)


Very Veronique said...

I really like your helmet too. Is it the same one you use for snowboarding?

neonlicht said...

Yepp, it is Bern, they make allseason helmests one can in the winter and in the summer by just changing the lining:)